Fostering Healthy School Partnerships

Offered by:
  • 1 Plan: 3 Falls
  • University of Maine Cooperative Extension 4-H
  • Jessica Decke, Director of UMaine's 4-H Learning Center at Tanglewood
  • Ryder Scott, Director of the University of Maine 4-H Centers
None required
  • Teachers
  • Other Educators

Audience: School Administrators, teachers, and interested community members

Min/Max: NA

Description: Partnerships are critical elements for the coming school year. Whether the partnership is between a school and a local non-profit, teachers utilizing teaching tools and resources, or teachers and students fostering supportive relationships, pulling together a strong team will help teachers and students reach greater success this school year. This presentation will begin with the big picture (the 30,000-foot view) of what it takes to build partnerships and the benefits of them. From there we’ll look closely at three case studies of different partnerships that worked well this spring at the start of the coronavirus pandemic and learning from a distance. Our hope is that schools and teachers will feel better equipped with practical tools in hand for the school year ahead. This presentation will include a PowerPoint, discussion, and opportunities for sharing ideas.